Sunday, 30 September 2012

Which Poem

After reading alot of Williams poems I decided to choose 'The Bubble' as its very playful and fun. The other poems did not really interest me as much. I feel they were very hard to understand.

The Bubble

See the pretty planet!
Floating sphere!
Faintest breeze will fan it
Far or near;

World as light as feather;
Moonshine rays,
Rainbow tints together,
As it plays.

Drooping, sinking, failing,
Nigh to earth,

Mounting, whirling, sailing,
Full of mirth;

Life there, welling, flowing,
Waving round;
Pictures coming, going,
Without sound.

Quick now, be this airy
Globe repelled!
Never can the fairy
Star be held.

Touched--it in a twinkle
Leaving but a sprinkle,
As of tears

I have put some words in bold, as I feel these words will be the ones I use to help me come up with an outcome.

William Allingham

Best way to start was to get a little bit of knowledge about William Allingham.

William Allingham was born on 19 March 1824 in Ballyshannon in Donegal.

He was the son of a banker.

He was a poet, dairist and editor.

He published poems in 1850.

He married in 1874 to a woman 24 years younger than himself.

She was an illustrator.

They had 3 children.

He died in 1889.